About Telecom Fraud

It is an improper practice that harm the quality and coverage of the service, damaging the TELCOS assets, subscribers and users.

The unscrupulous carry out Fraud using unauthorized use of services and infrastructure. This causes enormous losses and puts reliability and prestige of the Telecom Company at risk.

Most common telecom fraud:

  • ByPass (Irregular termination)
  • SimBox
  • Wangiri (“scanning”)
  • U-Turn
  • PBX Hacking
  • Central Office Hacking
  • Re-Origination or Refiling
  • Service’s Denial

Negative impact of telecom fraud:

  • Financial losses due to non-detected fraudulent calls.
  • Economic losses due to conciliation problems between Telephone Operators.
  • Delays on the QoS audits of the networks services.
  • Delays obtaining information from the network and identifying active calls.
  • Economic losses for not invoiced calls.
  • Delays monitoring traffic and obtaining statistics of network’s functionality.
  • Company’s position weakened in relation to the competition.
  • Creates confusion and distrust to customers.
  • Saturation of the TELECOM network.

Why do you need Real Time Call Release?

The evolution of the telecommunications in the world and the constant growing competition in the market have taken the International Simple Resale (ISR) traffic, known as ByPass, Landing or Wangiri, towards fast growth. The ISR is a type of fraud that is recently generating the greatest losses for the operator companies. Ignoring the international treaties between telephonic companies, a long distance call is diverted and introduced in a local network using private resources. With the experience acquired through the years working with different products for preventing international traffic fraud, Cibertec has developed a wide range of high technology products for the telecommunications industry, which allows to take corrective actions in case of ISR detection.

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